Sound Committee Assistant ChairCurrent: unfilled (2023)The SCAC shadows the SC Chair, and typically takes on one of the major sound committee jobs as well, such as Volunteer Sound Manager, Contract Sound Manager, or Sound Logistics Manager. This is a committee-level job that calls for lots of hours before and after the Festival, and some hours during the Festival. It includes free admission to the Festival. It reports to the SC Chair. Updated: 2/19/2023 |
On-Site Sound ManagerThe On-Site Sound Manager directs the Crew Chiefs and manages, troubleshoots, trains, as necessary, the volunteer sound people who work in the volunteer sound rooms. This role is frequently taken by either the Sound Committee Chair or Assistant Chair.Hours worked: 30, part-time and split before, during, and after Festival Number of volunteers needed: 1 Festival Admission: yes Updated: 2/20/2023 |
Sound Logistics CoordinatorCurrent: Mark Dooley(2024)The Sound Logistics Coordinator is in charge of arranging to borrow sound gear, making sure that the borrowed sound gear needed for the Festival is picked up from its owners (or delivered by them), arrives at the right place at the right time, is set up correctly, and is later struck and returned to its rightful owners, and that any damaged gear is replaced or repaired. They work closely with the Sound Committee Chair or Assistant Chair. Hours worked: 10+, split before and after Festival Number of volunteers needed: 1 Updated: 2/19/2023 |
Contract Sound ManagerCurrent: Beth Kevles (2024)The Contract Sound Manager supervises the contract sound engineers and volunteer stage managers in the Ballrooms and Trade Center West (aka Dance Halls). This role is frequently taken by either the Sound Committee Chair or Assistant Chair Updated: 2/19/2023 |
Curtain Team LeaderSound Curtain Team LeaderCurrent: Carl West (2024) The Sound Curtain Team Leader leads the setup and strike of heavy acoustic curtains that are placed in the larger halls and in several other rooms. The team is typically 3-6 people. Hours worked: 12, split Friday and Sunday before and after the Festival, with some planning, loading, and driving involved before and after the Festival. Typical Schedule: 10-6 pm Friday, 5:30-8 pm Sunday Updated: 2/19/2023 |
Seminar Room CoordinatorCurrent: Ira Grollman, 2024The Seminar Room will have a live, in-person audience, a live, remote audience, and sessions will be recorded for the NEFFA Vimeo site. The room Coordinator will determine the best way to organize the technology for the room, decide how to divide volunteer jobs, and keep tabs on the room during the Festival weekend. Updated: 12/07/23 |
Volunteer Database ManagerCurrent: Seth Seeger (2024)Maintains and updates the database for all NEFFA volunteers. Also maintains and updates the software for performer sound sheets. |
Volunteer Database Manager AssistantCurrent: Seth SeegerWorks closely with the Volunteer Database Manager to fix problems and keep the system updated. Will become familiar enough with the system to work on it independently as needed. Should have experience with databases generally and PHP specifically. |
Sound EngineerVolunteer Sound Engineers run mixing boards, adjust microphones and cables, and make sure the performers start and stop on time, effectively filling the role of both engineer and traditional stage manager.Sound Engineers also keep the aisles and exits clear, the doors closed, take notes on approximately how many empty chairs there are, changes in chair setup, anything & everything that can help us do better next year. Sound Engineers report to the Crew Chief on duty. There are Sound Engineers assigned to work concerts and dances in Marlborough, Princess, Ballroom AB, and the Seminar Room. We use volunteer Sound Engineers at all levels, from beginners who have just taken their first Sound Workshop to experienced engineers comfortable with a 24 channel digital board and external processors. Sound Engineers work standard shifts of 2-4 hours, with a total of 6 hours getting them into the entire Festival for free, though many engineers choose to work more hours. A single 2 hour shift will get you into one Festival Session for free, rather than to the entire Festival. Volunteer sound engineers mostly work solo, but may be paired with a second engineer, depending on the complexity of the performances in their assigned room and the skill/experience of the engineer. Sound Engineers can sometimes leave the room briefly during their shifts, but we prefer they do not. Updated: 4/9/24 |
Stage HandStage Hands assist the professional engineers in the Dance Halls and the Seminar Room. Some of our Stage Hands have little to no training and are learning on the job; some have done this for years and could almost work blindfolded. While previous experience is not necessarily required, the ability to take direction, to remain calm, and to work well with people, is essential.The job can include: – helping performers on & off stage – moving chairs and music stands off & on stage – safety check – For large bands, --(a) warning the band before that a quick exit would be appreciated (i.e. music cases off stage if possible, etc); --(b) making sure that music stands & chairs are ready for quick handling; --(c) enlisting one or two of the large band members or someone else to keep the hordes OFF STAGE until invited on; --(d) handing out tune books [Festival Orchestra]; --(e) complimenting the band members as you're pushing them off stage; --(f) working with contract sound as directed. – assisting the sound engineers. This may include any of the following: --(a) "taking the numbers" - writing down the mic numbers, reading them back --(b) move mic stands on & off stage --(c) coiling up mic cords (rare) --(d) handing up cords to an engineer on the back of the stage (sometimes) --(e) setting up mics [very rare] --(f) watching the clock and giving the time warnings to the caller on stage - (10 minutes, 5 minutes, 2 minutes, off) Stage Hands report to the Engineer in their assigned room/hall. Stage Hands generally work an entire NEFFA session in the same hall. This assignment works great for people who love to dance, as you usually have time to do so after the band is setup. Hours worked: during the Festival Number of volunteers needed: Many Updated: 12/07/2023 |
TransporterTransporters move borrowed sound equipment in the Boston metro area to/from the Festival. Ideally, you should be available both before and after the Festival, able to keep track of some details of the equipment which won't be captured in the emails to the lender, such as what item was in which container. Ability to help with sound equipment setup on Friday is a plus!Hours worked: 6 for full ticket, part-time and split before and after Festival Number of volunteers needed: 3-6 Updated: 2/19/2023 |
Sound FloaterSound Floaters assist the Crew Chiefs in a variety of ways, filling in for missing sound volunteers, assisting with changeovers that need extra hands, and handling changeovers where an engineer isn’t needed for the entire workshop, but one has to hand out and check the wireless mic for the workshop leader. Sound floaters may also mentor less experienced sound engineers.For 2024, they will also act as SSST for Sterling, the self-service sound system in the hotel. Floaters are on-call, carry a cell phone, and can be contacted by the Crew Chief or other members of the Sound Committee, or by a volunteer engineer who has been unable to reach their Crew Chief. Because Floaters may need to fill in for any sound volunteer, the role needs to be filled by an experienced, skilled engineer. Crew Chief and Floater cell phone numbers are in the Sound Books, along with who’s on during each shift. Floaters may end up having more independent responsibilities than in previous years to assist the Crew Chiefs to cover a wider area. The Sound Committee will be in touch with Floaters in advance with any new procedures. Reports to: the Crew Chief on the same shift. Hours worked: 6+, generally a NEFFA sessions Number of volunteers needed: 4-8 Updated: 12/07/23 |
Self-Service System TenderSeveral rooms have "Self-Serve" sound systems -- no engineers are assigned, and the leaders in those rooms are expected to handle their own needs. These "self service" rooms exist in the Hotel and in the Tent outside. In 2024, only the tent needs a SSST.No self-service room needs a full-time engineer present throughout any workshop. However, some workshop instructors aren’t sufficiently familiar with sound systems, and sometimes people move things, or turn them off. The System Tender checks the Self-Serve rooms each time a new workshop starts (roughly once an hour), and at the beginning of the day, to make sure that the leader is comfortable and able to work, and if appropriate, that all the equipment is working. Some rooms will have only the following: -- 1 Bose L1 "stick" speaker -- 1 small mixer -- 1 wireless headset mic -- 1 wireless handheld mic -- 1 wired handheld mic (a backup) -- 1 iPod/laptop/MP3 player cable -- spare batteries -- an instruction sheet If a room has a full sound setup, when used "self service" style it will be used in a simplified manner. The morning check for all rooms should include -- Is the system turned on? -- Are both wireless mics in standby mode and do both have good batteries? -- Are all cables still patched correctly? -- Is the instruction sheet still there? -- Is the iPod cable still there and labeled? -- Is anything else mentioned in the instruction sheet as it should be? At the beginning of each workshop during your shift, make sure that: --the instructor has found the gear they need --that it's working If everything looks and sounds copacetic, you needn't stay for more than a minute per room. In the small rooms, the mixer will be clearly labeled as to which control does what. Batteries for the wireless mics should be checked first thing in the morning and again every 4 hours or so. The mics, depending on which ones we get, may or may not have a battery charge indicator; if they do, the batteries should be replaced if there are less than 2 bars when you go on duty. If the teacher is comfortable with the equipment (as they frequently are), all the Self Service Tender needs to do is poke their head into the room, see that they're not needed, and move on. Usually the Self Service Tender is actually working roughly half the time, able to catch a dance or a bit of a concert in between workshops even while on duty. Reports to: Crew Chief Hours worked: 4+, but given the free time between checks, a full NEFFA session is preferred. Number of volunteers needed: 4-8 Updated: 12/07/23 |
Crew ChiefCrew Chiefs, in addition to the traditional runtime Crew Chief responsibilities, are also encouraged to participate in the setup and strike.There are 4-6 Crew Chiefs. Their primary job is to supervise and support the Sound Engineers in the volunteer-run Halls, handling any unforeseen situations, troubleshooting equipment problems, assisting volunteer engineers who find themselves in over their heads, sitting in for missing volunteers, etc. Crew Chiefs also keep tabs on the Self Service System Tenders to make sure they show up for their shifts and to answer any questions they may have. Floaters report to the Crew Chiefs and extend their reach. During their shifts the Crew Chiefs usually poke their heads into each venue once during each new Sound Engineers' shifts, paying special attention to shifts that are staffed by inexperienced or new Sound Engineers, and decide if those will need additional support throughout their shifts. Crew Chiefs are also responsible for checking the chair setups in each room at least once during their shift/session to make sure that the aisles and exits are kept clear (this is a continual problem, as audience members *will* move the chairs so as to block the aisles). Crew Chiefs sign up to work for a full Festival Session each, roughly 6 hours. They should arrive 15-30 minutes before the Festival starts each day to confirm that all rooms are ready to go, and plan to stay 5-10 minutes after the Festival closes each day to confirm that systems have been turned off and are ready for the next morning. One or two of the Crew Chiefs may help out during setup, and one or two during strike. Being Crew Chief is good preparation for becoming Volunteer Sound Manager, Assistant Sound Committee Chair, or Chair...but does not imply a commitment to do so. Reports to: Volunteer Sound Manager. Hours worked: 6+ hours, roughly a NEFFA session Number of volunteers needed: 4-6 Updated: 12/07/23 |
Media WranglerMedia Wranglers staff the Dance Performer check-in tables outside the Dance Performance space. Each dance performance group checks in and hands to the Media Wrangler two sets of CDs, a thumb drive, or possibly an iPod/iPhone with music tracks loaded, for each dance slot they have been assigned. The Media Wrangler does a brief interview with the group's dance captain or choreographer, to find out any special last-minute info or changes to the info-forms the dance captain had filled out previously, such as special sound cues, etc., and puts this info down on the Dance Performance forms. Media Wranglers also quickly check the media to make sure the music is really there. Media Wranglers have equipment at the table for this, and a copier for making copies for all the folders. Media Wranglers also run the updated forms and media backstage to the Playback Engineer, Stage Manager, and the house sound desk continuously. This is a fast-paced, exciting volunteer job.Updated: 12/07/23 |
Media RunnerSee Media Wrangler |
Lighting Setup/Takedown~~ THERE WILL BE NO LIGHTING in Marlboro ~~The High School Auditorium Stage theatrical lighting usually requires four to six volunteers for most of the afternoon on Friday to set up, typically starting at 1:00, ending by 6:00. There is usually no programming in the HS Auditorium Friday night so there's not much pressure. Typically it takes 2 people one hour on Sunday for Strike. Several jobs require a good head for heights (working on ladders or up on the catwalk). A minimum two hour commitment is required. The Lighting Setup and Strike Crew report to the Lighting Director (Clyde Tyndale). |
Curtains Setup/TakedownVarious rooms in the Hotel and Trade Center will get stretches of acoustic curtains. Some spaces may also get visual curtains. All curtains need to be hung before the festival and taken down after the Festival.Crews consist of 4-6 people. The curtains hang on poles and floor-mounted stands, so not all members of the team need to work on ladders and at heights, though sometimes doing so can simplify things. You must be willing to work the full duration of setup and/or strike (roughly 3-6 hours Friday for setup and 2-4 hours Sunday evening for strike). The curtains are heavy, the poles are heavy, and while it is not necessary to be a weightlifter or over 6' tall to do this job, it is necessary to be fit and in good shape. If there are enough people and team leaders then the time commitment will be shorter, as curtains can be set up in parallel. Reports to: Curtain Team Leader Hours worked: 4-10+ hours, split before and after the Festival Number of volunteers needed: 3-6 Updated: 2/17/2023 |
Sound Setup/TakedownThe Sound Setup and Strike Crews load the gear into the various volunteer-run rooms, set it up, test it, label it, and generally get it ready for the sound engineers, and pack it away again at the end of the Festival.Sound setup takes place Thursday and Friday (up to the beginning of the Festival), and if necessary on Friday evening (during the Festival). Sound strike begins on Sunday as Festival rooms close, and most of it is completed within 2-3 hours. A minimum of two-hour shifts are required. Experience is required for setting up the sound equipment. Must have some knowledge of sound systems and the ability to read a system diagram. There is usually room for one or two inexperienced people to help with setup and strike. Reports to: Sound logistics coordinator Hours worked: 2+ hours Number of volunteers needed: 4-8 Festival Admission: yes, 6 hours for a full Festival pass, less than that is split across sessions. Updated: 12/07/23 |
Playback EngineerThe job consists of cuing up music for dance performances during the Dance Performance Blocks. Must be familiar with basic sound equipment and be cool and level headed. Please check in sometime before your shift to be introduced to the sound equipment you will be working with.The Playback Engineer is part of a team supporting the performers during the Dance Performance Blocks, and is directed by the Dance Performance Stage Manager via headphones over intercom. Works with: Dance Performance Stage Manager, Stage Engineer Reports to: Dance Performance Manager (Persis Thorndike) Hours worked: ~4 Festival Admission: yes, 4 hours for a full Festival pass, less than that is split across sessions. Updated: 2/17/2023 |
Dance Performance (DP) Stage ManagerThe Dance Performance (DP) Stage Manager role is the same as that of a standard theatrical stage manager, "calling the show", using a Clearcom or cell-app intercom to direct Sound, Music, MC, and dancers when to perform their various tasks.They report to the Dance Performance chair, and everyone else reports to them, though not necessarily directly. Direct reports include Assistant Stage Managers, FOH Engineer, Stage Engineer, Playback Engineer (formerly "DJ"), Lighting Director, MC, and Chief Media Wrangler. Indirect reports include any Stage Hands (seldom used), and Media Wranglers. DP Stage Manager requires prior experience as a Stage Manager in a theatrical setting, or training under a Stage Manager at NEFFA, and experience at NEFFA. In the event of an emergency situation arising, the Stage Manager and/or Auditorium Manager, possibly with input from the Dance Performance Chair, would decide what to do and ask the MC to make the appropriate announcement. If time is of the essence and/or there is confusion about who to consult or where they are, the Stage Manager will make the decision, as that's the only one of these three people who is guaranteed to be present during all DP Blocks. Updated: 2/19/2023 |
Dance Performance (DP) Assistant Stage ManagerDance Performance Assistant Stage Managers run around during Dance Performances collecting and herding dance troupes from the hallway, the Green Room, the Band Room, and onto the stage or into the Green Room, Band Room, etc.They report to and assist the Dance Performance Stage Manager and work with the Media Wranglers. They usually use a wireless intercom to stay in touch with the Dance Performance Stage Manager. This can be good training to become Dance Performance Stage Manager. Updated: 2/19/2023 |
Camera / Zoom OperatorThe Seminar Room will have an outbound Zoom stream in addition to its in-person live performance. The Camera Operator may start and maintain the video feed for the Zoom stream, which will also be recorded for the NEFFA Vimeo site. They will also make the Remote Social Host a co-host when Remote Hosts change over. Finally, they may start and stop the recording for each session.Reports to: Seminar Room Coordinator Hours worked: 6+ Number of volunteers needed: Many Festival Admission: yes, 6 hours for a full Festival pass, less than that is pro-rated. Updated: 12/07/23 |
Zoom Remote HostThe Seminar Room will have an outbound Zoom session. Remote Zoom social hosts, with co-host Zoom privileges, will moderate chats among online participants.Must have completed NEFFA Zoom training. Reports to: Seminar Video Coordinator Hours worked: 6+ Number of volunteers needed: Many Updated: 4/07/24 |
Concert Recording WranglerPost-Festival, all concert recordings will need to be uploaded to Vimeo. This should be done as quickly as possible so that we don’t risk losing only copies of the Festival recordings.Reports to: Sound Committee Chair Hours worked: 6 Number of volunteers needed: 1 Festival Admission: yes Updated: 12/07/23 |
Tent daily set/strikeStrike portable sound equipment from the Tent following the final Tent events of Friday and Saturday; Set up the same equipment prior to the first session on Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Prefer volunteers who can setup or strike at least twice.6 hours provide full Festival admission. 2 hours provide admission to a single Festival session. May be combined with other Sound volunteering hours. |
Sound TrainerProvide training at introductory, intermediate or advanced level for prospective sound volunteers. Most training will be done in person. Some training for advanced sound volunteers may be done over Zoom (and recorded).6 hours of training (normally 3 sessions) earns full Festival admission. 2 hours (normally 1 session) earns single-session Festival admission. |
Activity RoomFamily Activities Area (2024)REPORT to: Betty Lehrman (or other volunteer) located in the Activities Area Please report to the room 5 minutes early and let the previous volunteer know you are ready to take over. Monitor the craft tables and activities, including informing parents that a responsible adult must accompany children, helping with crafts, and set-up and cleanup of materials or tables. |
CafeteriaREPORT to: Information Table to sign in NOT USED 2023-2024Goals of the Cafeteria Volunteer: * Make sure tables are kept clean and in order * Wipe tables as needed * Help remove the trash * Patrol the eating area * Food is to remain in the Cafeteria |
Marketplace Setup/TakedownMarketplace Setup/Takedown Volunteers (2024)Reports outside the front door of the Trade Center (TC) to meet with Marketplace staff Please arrive 5 minutes before your shift starts. This volunteer work involves standing and walking outside, talking to people and possibly carrying tables and chairs or other items. Report any problems to the Marketplace Staff. Setup Duties Include: •Greeting people driving up to the TC and determining if they are a vendor looking to unload. You will be provided with a list of vendors. •Directing vendors to acceptable parking places for unloading - the fire lane must be kept clear. •Escorting vendors through TC Security to check in with the Marketplace staff. •Assisting vendors for efficient unloading and directing their vehicles to the vendor parking area. •Making sure the vendor finds their space, has the right number and sizes for tables and chairs, swapping tables if needed. Takedown Duties Include: •Directing non-vendors to stay out of the marketplace area for security. •Directing vendors to acceptable parking places for loading - the fire lane must be kept clear. •Assisting vendors for efficient loading and helping watch their stuff. •Making sure loaner handcarts or wheels are returned after loading. •Collect any Lost & Found items |
Marketplace Security VolunteersMarketplace Security Volunteers (2024)Reports inside the front door of the Trade Center (TC) to meet with Marketplace staff. Please arrive 5 minutes before your shift starts. This volunteer work involves staying vigilant late at night, but can be done while sitting. Due to the structure of volunteer hours, the same 2 volunteers will be scheduled to work both nights from 9P-11:30P for 5 hours total volunteer hours each. Duties include: •Watching the outside of the Marketplace area during the time when the Marketplace is closed but the building is still open for other activities. •Verbally preventing non-vendors from accessing the Marketplace area and alerting building security if needed. |
Information TableInformation Table - Hotel Lobby (2024)REPORT to the Information table in the hotel lobby. Please arrive on time to your shift (5 minutes early is even better), sign in, and review the “Read Me” chapter of the Information table resource book. Responsibilities/duties may include but are not limited to: · Providing directions and information for festival goers · Answer the phone and two-way radios; relay information to committee folk · Keep front desk aware of facility issues, especially in regard to the bathrooms · Help attendees with Lost and Found, logging lost items in red binder · Distribute supplies which are kept at the Information Table · Log significant events and comments · Along with Safety, assist in emergencies as needed Above all we want NEFFA attendees to have a warm and welcoming experience at our festival, and the Information Table is an important part of making that happen! |
Information Table - Trade CenterInformation Table - Trade Center (2024)REPORT to the Information table in the Trade Center. Please arrive 5 minutes prior to you shift, sign in and read the “Read Me” chapter of the Information table resource book. You are the smiling face of NEFFA and will: · Provide directions and information for festival goers · Maintain a cheerful and professional attitude · Answer the phone and two-way radios, be able to “text” on phones, and relay information to committee folk · Keep custodians aware of facility issues, especially in regard to the bathrooms (probably via “texting”) · Help attendees with Lost and Found, logging lost items in red binder · Distribute supplies which are kept at the information table · Log significant events and comments · Coordinate and communicate with Parking and Safety · Along with Safety, assist in emergencies |
Instrument CheckInstrument Check (2024)REPORT to: Paul Wilde, Jen Jasenski, or volunteer at the Instrument Check table. Please arrive 5 minutes early to learn the instrument check system and to make the transition from one to the next smooth. Must be able to lift 15 pounds.Teen volunteers are welcome. Check performer instruments and costumes using the NEFFA checking/tagging system. Return instruments and costumes to performers. |
Membership TableMembership Table (2024)REPORT to: Supervisor at the Membership Table in the main lobby. Goals of the Membership Volunteer: • Represent NEFFA at the festival • Answer questions about NEFFA (information sheet provided) • Accept membership applications and payment |
Performer Sales TablePerformer Sales Table (2024)REPORT to: Kris Howe or the table supervisor at the Performers Sales Table (located in the Marketplace at the Trade Center Building). Sell NEFFA T-shirts and other merchandise. Sell performer created CD's, books and other merchandise. Willingness to learn to use Zettle app for payments is appreciated (it's much like using an online payment system). Further details will be provided at the table. |
SafetySafety (2024)Report to Alan Finkelstein or the Safety Supervisor at the Safety Table. Arrive at least 5 minutes before your shift. Requirements and duties: Must be 18 years of age minimum and able to walk for a minimum of one to two hours Must be assertive enough to deal with difficult or oppositional people without losing your temper! Keep doorways clear and keep pedestrian traffic moving smoothly Ensure that everyone has a visible NEFFA ticket Help ensure that everyone has a safe and enjoyable festival Willing to assist should any evacuations occur Further instructions will be provided by the Safety Supervisor at the Festival. |
Signs - InsideSigns - Inside (2024)REPORT to: Cindy Dill Set-Up - Sign Hanging: Ladder climbing required. Upkeep: Updating and maintaining signs (Early morning or late night) Break-Down: Post festival: 2-3 hours removing and organizing signage. |
Signs - OutsideSigns - Outside (2024)Report to Dayle Watts at the Trade Center. Job Description: Able to lift 50 lb.s and get in and out of the U-Haul truck with supplies We will be placing signage around the Trade Center and Hotel. |
Site Setup/TakedownSite Setup/Takedown (2024)REPORT to: Supervisor in the Festival Lobby in the Hotel, next to the Volunteer Table. Wear work clothes and consider bringing gloves. Bring all your belongings with you at the beginning of your shift, and we will store them, so that they won’t end up in Lost and Found. |
Volunteer Check-in TableVolunteer Check-In Table (2024)Report to: Table Supervisor 5 minutes before your shift begins to sign in and review details of job. NOTE: Any volunteer assigned to the Volunteer Check-In Table may be re-assigned when they report to a different job assignment if there is a critical staffing need elsewhere at that time. Duties Include: * Check in general or sound volunteers and hand out envelope with their ticket. * Engage with the volunteers and answer questions about the festival. * Direct anyone with questions/issues regarding their job assignment to the Table Supervisor. * Provide form to anyone wanting to signup at the festival for a job or to be added to the database for processing by Table Supervisor. |
ParkingParking (2024)REPORTS to: Parking Manager at the Parking Table for assignment. Arrive 5 minutes before your shift. This volunteer work requires standing and walking outside. Parking Volunteer duties depend on where in the Hotel or Trade Center lots you are assigned to work. Complete instructions will be at Parking table. Duties include: • Direct drivers to available spaces, guard handicapped and reserved spaces, and verify permits for restricted parking spaces. • Keep an eye on which parking areas have filled up and where there are still spaces available. This may involve walking around the large parking areas. • Report illegally parked cars (in handicapped spaces without stickers, in restricted NEFFA spots without NEFFA permits, etc.). • Inform Parking Manager as needed about any problems. |
Folk Bazaar SetupNOT USED (2024) |
Ticket SalesTicket Sales (2024)Report To Supervisor at table, please report 5 minutes before scheduled time. You represent NEFFA. Handle the purchasing of festival tickets via cash, check, and card processing. Attention to detail is a plus. |
Ticket Sales Forms TableTicket Sales Forms Table (Not Used 2023-2024) |
Early Entry MonitorsEarly Entry Monitors (2024)Report to: Bruce Randall Meet at the NEFFA entrance - hotel side door when your shift starts. You will be assigned to one of the various entrances, and you will be provided with instructions as to who should be allowed to enter the space early. |
Floor Set/StrikeFloor Set/Strike (2024)REPORT to Janet Yeracaris or Shift Supervisor outside ballrooms in Hotel East for Wednesday and Trade Center main entrance on Thursday. NOTE: The Wednesday flooring installation may be moved to Thursday so looking for flexibility in scheduling for Wednesday signups. Wednesday flooring installation is in the Hotel and Thursday installation is in the Trade Center. Strike on Sunday takes place in both areas. Assist with moving wheeled carts of panels from truck, getting panels into position as directed, and attaching them together with screws. It is physical work but does not require heavy lifting; some people will use electric screwdrivers. For strike, remove screws, detach panels, and load onto wheeled carts to go onto truck. |